Sunday, February 2, 2020

Today's Word - February 2, 2020

God Can Fix It

Adapted from the resource The Confident Women Devotional - by Joyce Meyer

A confident person is not afraid to get out of their boat and shake things up. I’m not talking about doing whatever you want to do, but what you think God is leading you to do. If your heart is right, if you’ve done your best to seek God and done what you know to do to hear from Him, and you feel like what’s come to you is right, you’ve got to step out and find out.

I’m not afraid to make mistakes, because I know that God knows I’m doing all that I know how to do, and that I’m on a journey. I’m not where I need to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be. I’m more excited about my progress than depressed about how far I have to go.

God approves of me. He doesn’t approve of everything I do, but He approves of me because I love Him and my faith is in Him, and I’m doing the best I can to follow Him. That’s what makes me bold to step out for Him and try new things and do new things. God is God. He can fix it if I make a mistake.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I take great confidence in the fact that You have the power to work all things together for good, even my mistakes. I delight in Your approval of my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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